
Here, you can enjoy some of my recent live performances in the comfort of your underpants, which includes my one-man show, author interviews, readings, and band gig footage. The volume is low in places, so you might need to turn it up to eleven. 

London Museum Of Comedy - Full Show

Edinburgh Fringe | Aug 2022

Below is footage from my Edinburgh Fringe one-man show (adapted from my book).

“Charmingly ramshackle catnip”, said The Scotsman! 

You can either sample the songs or dive into the full show. 

First up is a very early Pointy Birds track for the completists (of which there are none). 

Next up, I give you ‘Benefit Office’. I was (and still am) convinced this is future number one. People in Edinburgh are still singing this in streets and Spotify listeners are through the roof, (51 at last count)  

Thirdly, a newbie called ‘Falling Apart at the Seams’ which ended the show. Now, I don’t want to big this one up too much but I think it might be best song ever written.  You can’t not sing along.

And/or finally, you can watch the full fat show here:

15 Minutes of Shame Interview - The Caves, Edinburgh

I enjoyed being a guest on the fab 15 Minutes of Shame podcast. In a salubrious toilet setting in the Edinburgh Caves, I chatted with host Pete about the show, the book and the band over G&T and opal fruits. You can watch that same interview right here and right now…

Camden Dublin Castle Rock 'n' Roll Book Club

Here is footage from the Anoint My Head book launch at the Dublin Castle in Camden which involved a chat with host Tony Gleed, some readings and a Q&A. I then dusted down the plectrum and played some Pointy Birds songs. It was too much fun xx

First up is the Blur v Suede gig at Town and Country club in Kentish Town.  Marcus and me sneak into the aftershow knowing Blur are about to enter the where are they now files, and we are rightful heirs to their indie pop throne…

At last! the Pointy Birds get a review in the NME! Now it’s only a matter of time before rock n roll world domination…

Or watch the full rock n roll book club right here, right now as Jesus Jones once sang..

Facebook Live Reading

Here, I get all Jackanory on your ass by reading the first chapter of Anoint My Head – How I Failed to Make it as Britpop Indie Rockstar.  So if you are  sitting comfortably, I’ll begin…

About Anoint My Head

Here is a short film in 8 segments all about the book.  I had an idea the film would be part of a stalker vlog where the protagonist is in car outside Ricky Gervais’s mansion waiting in hope on Ricky to tweet about the book or turn it into movie. Kind of Marion and Geoff meets King Of Comedy.  But I never got around to it. Yet.

Paperback Writer

Dear Sir or Madam will you read my book? It took me years to write, will you take a look? Ok, I will….The paperback version of my effort Anoint My Head has just arrived in the post. Gulp!  Watch to find out if it had printed ok, plus a guest intruder who muscles in on the action…

Big Slice Bandcamp Live Stream

Big Slice @ the Betsy Trotwood