For those who couldn’t make it to Edinburgh, you can now watch the show in the comfort of your underpants…
You can either dip into the songs or watch the full monty below…..
First off a very early Pointy Birds track for the completists (of which there are none). It’s called Married to a Squirrel.
Next up, I give you Benefit Office. I was (and still am) convinced this is future number one. People in Edinburgh are still singing this in streets and Spotify listeners are through the roof, (51 at last count)
Thirdly, a newbie called Falling Apart at the Seams which ended the show. Now, I don’t want to big this one up too much but I think it might be best song ever written. You can’t not sing along.
And/or finally, you can watch the full fat show here:
Enjoy! x