STOP PRESS! This date has been rescheduled to Thur 21 April. Tickets still valid for that date.
Here’s the blurb…
I am guest author at the Xmas Rock n Roll Book Club at The Dublin Castle in Camden on Thursday 21st April. Previous months have featured books on The Pogues, Squeeze and Amy Winehouse and now it is the turn of The Pointy Birds. Not before time!
The evening is hosted by the lovely Tony Gleed and I will chat to him about my book Anoint My Head – How I Failed to Make it as Britpop Indie Rockstar. I may also read a few passages from said book – maybe the 1992 Blur v Suede gig at the Town and County Club; or our disastous snow gig at The White Horse. Or maybe when we got bottled off stage by the rugby club chucking pints of piss at us, or that time we supported the bouncy castle. It really is an embarressment of riches.
There will also be some Q&A. PLUS, rumour has it, there may be some live music from a very special guest band, although talks continue at very high level on that front.
Tickets are now available in link below – it’s a fiver in advance and given the Pointy Birds were so massive(ly ignored) back in the day, tickets are likely to sell like hot mince pies, that I will hand out if you come along.
And to add extra, extra value, if you attend, you will get some free Pointy Birds hits sent to you in MP3 format, (cue joke that that is not an incentive).
Can’t say fairer than that.
So if you fancy a trip down memory lane, back to the early nineties, back to a time of innocence, then grab a ticket and I’ll see you down the front.