Hey there
It’s been a long time in the making but happy to say my book Anoint My Head – How I Failed To Make it as a Britpop Indie Rockstar is now available as an audiobook.
Not only did I have to spend 7 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second narrating it. I then had to spend another 7 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second narrating it again as the first take wasn’t very good. Then once it was mixed and sequenced*, I had to spend 7 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second listening for glitches. It was quite a surreal experience wandering around the local park, listening to myself take myself back to myself.
So as the sun starts to shine and bees begin to buzz, what better way to spend 7 hours, 11 minutes and 1 second of your time than being transported back to the early nineties? A more innocent time – of soon-to-be-fulfilled hopes and dreams – of no internet, no mobile phones, no pandemics and best of all, no Boris.
If you’re wondering what the story is all about, I shall shamelessly point you to this lovely reader review that came in recently.
Thanks, Philcfc. You are clearly a man of supreme intelligence, immaculate taste and infinite jest. Anyway, here is a link to your digital platform of choice, such as Audible, Apple books, Chirp, Google, Nook, Kobo etc. You can listen to a free sample before you dive in.
Alternatively, you can download a free sample and/or buy whole audiobook as an MP3 direct from the author right here via payhip:
Please feel free to forward this to anyone who likes their audiobooks to be a ‘hilarious romp’, ‘the book equivalent of the perfect 3-minute pop song’ and ‘comedy gold’. (Thanks again, Phil cfc) And lastly, just think, 7 hours 11 minutes and 1 second is roughly the amount of time you will need to queue at Gatwick if you decide to holiday in Europe this summer. You can LOL in the queue while others cry. Anyway, that’s enough self-promotion for one day. Back next month. In the meantime, COME ON, SCOTLAND!!** Andy x PS: In other news, I am about halfway through a first draft of the next book, which may or may not be a kind of sequel. Some of it may or may not take place during the naughty noughties. More on that soon. PPS: Bagel or Baguette? I can’t decide. *Thanks, Nainesh at Snorkel Studios **Euro 2020 www.andymacleodauthor.com
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